
Thursday, September 16, 2004

The majority of people in the States do not believe in evolution and a large number of people hold views similar to Stockwell Day’s position. Does this make views such as his respectable? Of course not. Day’s view is intellectual junk and such views are rightly mocked. However, for purposes of rallying the base, Karl Rove and company have helped create a social-cultural environment were such beliefs are allowed to flourish. Others, such as O’Reily and Coulter, have in the own way rallied their own base, but more for monetary reasons than political ones. They are the new Don Cherrys of politics and are for similar reasons hard to grabble with. Indeed, much of their popularity rests with the own irrationality; in an Alice and Wonderland kind of way, appeals to reason is a sign of weakness; bluster must be met with bluster.

Such tactics have helped propel the Michael Moore’s to the top of the liberal pecking order. One need only read the reviews of 911 to figure out why. http://www.secularislam.org/articles/khawaja20.htm Moore is admittedly good at taking a constructed media image and blowing it to pieces by revealing how it is constructed. However, Moore’s arguments in 911 are meandering conspiratorial nonsense. Strangely this and the movie's popularity make the movie all the more likable. It is great fun to see the bully’s face rubbed in shit. Some even let themselves vicariously live out the moment, saying underneath their breath “how does that make you feel?”

The following review from the New York Review of Books is also worth looking into. http://www.nybooks.com/articles/17315

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