
Wednesday, June 02, 2004

Rob Merrifield and a Lazy and Biased Press

I am tired of hearing how this or that conservative member undermined Harper and how Harper had to bring them back into line. It was Harper that appointed Larry Spencer Family Issues Critic. (A conservative former Baptist minister, Spencer said homosexuality should be illegal.) It was Harper that appointed Scott Reid, who authored a book on how bilingualism should be scaled back, language critic. (Reid resigned after he said blingualism should be scaled back.) It was also Harper who named Robert Merrifield health critic. Just two weeks ago Merrifield said this about Ottawa's decision to make the morning after pill available without a prescription: "This drug is 50 times as potent as a birth control pill, and we're treating it like an aspirin.”

An FDA panel looked into the how safe the drug was. All 28 members concluded that it posed no threat whatsoever to a women’s health. Subsequently, the panel voted 23-4 to make the drug available over the counter. The Bush administration overturned the panel’s decision. A day later, two panel members were invited to speak on the News Hour with Jim Lehrer. One of the guests opposed making the drug available other supported the decision. The proponent said that the drug was literally saver than Aspirin; her opponent conceded this.

Merrifield ludicrous attempt paint the drug as dangerous was particularly funny for in that same interview he said that "They [The liberals] laid it out there knowing it's a volatile issue, and they wanted someone to fall into a trap and to say something controversial” Guess what Merrifield the trap worked and it was you that they got.

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