
Saturday, August 23, 2003

Some Canadian Politicians are Open to Legalizing Marijuana, but George Bush et al stand in the way

Alas, there is no chance that the Canadian government will legalize Marijuana in the near future. Given the current situation in the States, any move to legalize the stuff would cause us no end of grief. That said, this does not mean that all politicians openly dismiss the idea. Indeed, in September of last year the Liberal dominated senate, a good chunk of whom where appointed by the same ruling Liberal government, said in unequivocal terms that there was no good reason for keeping pot illegal. Marijuana, they said, is not illegal because it is dangerous; it is dangerous (risks associated with procuring it) because it is illegal. That is to say, it is no more dangerous than alcohol and given that it is not physically addictive, perhaps less so and there is no truth the notion that it is gateway drug or that it is directly linked to an increased likelihood of criminal behavior in anyway. The issue also came up on during the NDP’s leadership race (the NDP is Canada’s most left of center main stream party). That said, when the candidates were asked about the issue during a CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) nationally televised leadership debate, all six candidates, without mincing their words or giving an extended answer, said yes marijuana should be legalized and next question was promptly asked.

Senate report Volume 1: http://www.parl.gc.ca/37/1/parlbus/commbus/senate/com-e/ille-e/rep-e/repfinalvol1-e.htm

Senate report Volume 2: http://www.parl.gc.ca/37/1/parlbus/commbus/senate/Com-e/ille-e/rep-e/repfinalvol2part2-e.htm

Senate report Volume 3: http://www.parl.gc.ca/37/1/parlbus/commbus/senate/Com-e/ille-e/rep-e/repfinalvol3-e.htm

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